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Monday, August 4, 2008

God cares

Have you ever felt like praying about what feels a little selfish? Or a little petty? And maybe you decided "I won't bother God", or "He won't pay attention anyway". I'm learning how He cares for every aspect of our life.

One of the things I'm learning to pray for is the weather. As I walk to the clinic in the mornings, and already feel the sweat rolling down my back, I often wonder how I'm going to make it through the morning in my small 2-room clinic (no fan because there's no electricity). I'm learning to give it to God, praying for help to handle the weather today. And many times I find myself walking back up the hill at noon, and as I leave the clinic and enter into the heat of the sun, I remember that I haven't given the weather a second thought all morning.

Today I had another prayer. My only other nurse is taking at least 4 days off to attend a seminar. Mondays are usually my busiest days, and as I walked down to the clinic, I prayed for strength to do this alone. I thought - He can make this a day when there'll be few patients (it does happen sometimes). But no, in the end there were 16 and for doing it alone, that's a lot for me. (sometimes I compare with what the doctors at home would see - 1 patient every 10 min from 9 -11:30=15 - and they know what they're doing). And again at the end of the day (2:30 instead of the usual 11:30-12:00) I remembered my morning prayer and realized I just wasn't as tired/exhausted as I often am, and I worked harder. I had peace all morning, despite some difficult patients. God answered my prayer for strength in a very clear way. I wasn't wilting by 11 o'clock. He was there, as I saw: a 7 day old baby with fever, a man with skin TB (not a pretty sight), an 11 yr old boy vomiting and with a fever of almost 105 F, a 7 year old girl, pale and anemic and malnourished, a 91 yr old woman with aches and pains and high blood pressure, a young man with a cut, a 2 yr old with fever, etc. And I even had energy to come home and clean my "medical section of a big storage room", which becomes amazingly dirty from dust and rain and mice droppings and falling concrete pieces, and you name it (haven't seen the big tarantula again, Steph!).

Remember, God cares about what's happening to you. Just ask Him!


Naomi said...

Woohoo, Elsie! You got your blog running all on your own! Let me know if you have any questions, but it looks like you know what you're doing.

Glad to hear you found that extra strength when you needed it. I'll be thinking of you today!


Colleen said...

Hi Elsie:

Keep up the good work! It is hot, hot, hot here right now - you would love it although it is probably not as hot as it is there but for here it is hot. Got to 29 today and is supposed to be 28 tomorrow and 29 on Thursday - how is that for heat:)

Haven't sold the house yet but hopefully in the next couple of weeks. Will see what God does.

Have a great week!

Love, Colleen

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can hardly believe that first pic of the baby with swollen tummy! That hurts! I am so glad you might be able to help him and so many others.