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Monday, February 8, 2010


I should know by now not to make plans!

I had planned to go to St Marc to see the patients that might come here. Then someone had to go Port to take Dr Ric and A.J. (and later Pastor Marvin too) and since I needed to go one of these days anyway, I figured I might as well go now especially since Ric needed to get to the Embassy early to keep bugging them to do Orlancia's papers. I figured I'd get everything done.

But then.... a patient needed a blood transfusion and Ric being O- and them not being able to test anyone, he was the only one to do it. But... How do you give blood without a blood bank? No blood bags, no tubing,.... They called the people they work with in the States, but they got all flustered because none of the things they use are available. So they made do with what they had - emptying IV bags, etc. But it took long, so we weren't ready to leave till 2 p.m.!
Getting close, the embassy called saying the papers were done. Now to just get him and Orlancia to the Embassy on time! (They made it and Orlancia should be in the States by now!) I had dropped P. Marvin off at the airport - he was hoping to get a flight out. By then it was almost 4 p.m. so I went to the Health Cluster at the United Nations. These groups are formed in order to try coordinating the needs of everyone. Good but kind of a long hour to wait through, just to speak to one person. My goal was to find someone to help us with a security fence. Now to see if anything will come of it.

P. Marvin didn't make it on the flight, so I picked him up again and dropped off A.J. After that, it was late and I went home. A.J. was here overnight - he's from "A Leg to Stand On". They're here to establish a prosthetic base - short term but also long term. They're looking at possibly doing it here at Canaan. That would be an incredible addition to what we're doing. Especially with out Convalescence center, it would fit right in. So please pray about that. He's going home this week, and they'll decide where to do it.

So that was my day. Normal? Don't know anymore what that is. Doesn't feel productive enough because I didn't get my truck license plates, didn't pick up my truck insurance, didn't clean up my medicines, didn't help my BUSY nurse at the clinic (she had close to 50 patients today), didn't... Ok, I'll stop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Easily I to but I about the brief should secure more info then it has.